
2010-05 - Lot 04 - Byalee Bellanne

May 2010 Auction

Chestnut filly, 26/11/07
Byalee Briar x Byalee Fair
On account of Byalee

Byalee Bellanne is just ready to break in – three years old in a few short months, she bears a striking resemblance to the sire of her sire, Bjorsells Briar 899, the world’s top international dressage stallion for some seven years until his retirement last year with Jan Brink (Sweden). 

Her striking looks are combined with an off-the-ground trot, a ground-covering uphill canter, and a beautiful walk. She is an easy-to-handle youngster in all ways. Her dam, the Marscay-line thoroughbred mare Byalee Fair, was chosen for her sweet temperament and correct conformation and she has passed on both with the benefit of Byalee Briar’s renowned temperament that sees him one of the quietest stallions in the country, and his very correct movement that is just starting to expand into the sophisticated worlds of half steps and lengthening. 

“Beccy” is a lovely filly worthy of any broodmare herd or competition barn.

Byalee Briar (imp)
Bjorsells Briar 899
Byalee Fair
Appleby Fair
Gala Jubilee
Round Top
Tipsy Teena



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